Once registered, you can access your seller dashboard to manage product listings, track orders, update inventory, and communicate with customers.
GFTAG offers competitive fees to help support small businesses and FPOs. Please visit our "Seller Fees" page for detailed information on listing fees and commission rates.
Click on the "Sign Up" button on our homepage and select "Register as a Seller." Complete the registration form with your business or FPO details to create your seller account
Yes, GFTAG is accessible online, allowing users from various regions to participate. However, product availability and shipping options may vary depending on the seller's location.
We provide a platform for small businesses and FPOs to showcase and sell their products to a wider audience, helping them gain visibility and expand their customer base.
GFTAG is an e-commerce marketplace that connects small businesses and Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) directly with consumers, promoting sustainable growth and fair trade practices

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We are building a network where transparency, trust, and fair trade come first